Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well, due to being terminated from my job from hell, I am leaving the confines of my townhouse and returning to live with dad for the time being. Chances are, it will be a long time "being".

Sent out over 50 applications for good-fit positions in the last 4 months.

What is abundantly clear is that *nobody* wants a 51 year old man. Especially one without a degree. Even if I have over 30 years experience in a very exclusive field, and a lifetime of accomplishment.

Honestly, I really want these young fucking morons who work in HR departments to suck it down someday. Such arrogance about youth. An incredible lack of appreciation for older people with more experience than they could ever imagine.

But then again, that's why I've basically said "Fuck it" with regard to corporate America.

Every time I see some 30-something driving a Lexus SUV pull into the WaWa with a Blackberry earpiece at 7AM, already talking to their coworkers or boss as they hurriedly grab a cup of coffee and run off to the office...I realize.

I have it better than they will know.

I am glad to leave that shit behind. They can slave for some soulless company and asshole of a boss to try to get ahead.

In the mean time, I will be enjoying the time I have left, doing my writing and my photography and soaking up all the time I have. Time that means freedom.

I'll be moving from my townhouse and in with my dad on the 13th of February. It'll be a huge adjustment. I probably have no chance of dating someone or having a relationship, something I dearly miss. But I will have time with my father, and I will work on this book.

I think it's not only the only choice, but the right one.

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