Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Monday, May 2, 2011

As the world races by....

Bin Laden is dead. The US got him after 10 years.

Hundreds of thousands of lives lost. Trillions of dollars spent on war.

For what?

I am not sad to see him gone. But I have to wonder.

We are racing by. We are careening ahead like a runaway train.

Not only in our country's pursuit of terrorists, and of securing an oil supply.

But for most Americans, in their everyday lives.

I have opted out of the "system".

I won't ever again slave for a corporate master.

I won't every again race down the Garden State Parkway at insane, death-defying speeds to get to work.

I don't care about a big house. A great car, or the two week vacation in Belize.

But almost everyone does.

They toil, they rush, they race. To work. To home. Get the kids to practice for one of 13 programs they are enrolled in.

Run! Go! Get there! This is life, right? Go for it. Move, move, move!! Gotta get home. Gotta get to work. Gotta get the kids out to wherever the fuck they have to go.

Let me see, I have 3.25 hours free on Sunday! Lets go to the park, or the zoo. Then lets make sure to get home, because we need to be there in time to watch American Idol!

Fuck this world.

This is not living. This is a race to the end. And nobody gets to take anything with them.

I've checked out.

You can all race by me. I will be the one in the right lane, doing the speed limit, trying to be safe from all of you insane assholes.


I am going to walk through the rest of my life.

With a camera in my hands. With my eyes and ears open to the living world around me.

And I will reach down and feel the moist earth beneath me.

And maybe if I am lucky, I will coax a butterfly to crawl onto my finger. So that I might marvel at the inredible beauty of God's creation.

While the rest of you race home. Race to work. Race to wherever the hell you think you need to be.

I will stop.

And take it all in.

Because life is worth more than to see who gets to the finish line first.

We only get one shot at this.

I choose the road less traveled.


  1. You know, I really wonder what with this Bin La'din thing (and yes that is the more proper spelling actually, hell he was even spelled like that originally by Americans, then they "americanized" his name), first off, if what they say is true and I doubt some of these things, it really isn't something to celebrate, because the terrosist threat is there and this is no real victory, it is just a way to boost these politicians up. Also..where the hell are the shots of dead body? I want to see them and no excuses and no fakes. They quickly disposed of his body in sea, but why? I believe there is more underneath this. And there are even reliable sources that say he died few years ago in fact, maybe this all was a stage by the government, who knows. But if they don't show the proof, they can't wonder that conspiracy theories form and unlike others, there is some substancial material here to form them upon on.
    Obama's speech was overly national, way over the top I would say.
    But when I present my valid points to about any american, they call me stupid, or at beyondunreal they add a tag to the thread saying "leotck strikes again" as usual. They all march about this event, but I don't feel anything about it, I mean really. And it can make Americans also easy target, by celebrating like that while some will want to make revenge.

  2. You are not stupid. You are right to not trust our government. Or yours. Could not agree more, Leo
