Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Monday, June 28, 2010

The night wind.

At the lake. During the day sometimes, it can get really warm. Never blistering or oppressive, but sometimes hot and humid. Just like back in Jersey.

But at night...

The gentle cool breeze blows in through the windows...

Cooled by the ancient forest that surrounds me. The calm and cool water of the lake itself.

It's refreshing and rejuvenating.

As if the force of nature and life breathe a cooling soothing balm in me, for my soul.

These trees have seen generations of people and animals before me, and the current denizens of the wilds here.

And their shade and their leaves, and the cool, moist earth beneath them are always alive.

And the ages that have come before me lie under my feet as I walk on the forest floor.

And at night, when this world is silent.

That breeze...filled with the memories and observations of 1000 years.....feels as if Mother Nature herself wants to remind me.

That no matter what, there will be someone here to remember me. If only in the branches of these ancient pines. Or in the reflections of the water, that have been here eons before I was born. And will be here long after I leave.

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