Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Right Path

For nights so long that they darkened the day to follow,

For the toll of a bell, ringing clear and sharp,

Defining with each ring, a loss. A cutting wound.

Until the ringing remained after the bell fell silent.

Tears fell without sobbing. As if from a river within me, with no other course to follow.

From my knees, the heavens look impossibly far.

But their beauty is unyielding.

Time slowed to an anguishing crawl. As if locked in place, chained to my feet.

The rest of the world raced on.

But for me.

At the very last, with no resolve left to summon.

With no battle cry to be heard.

I gave up the fight. And I succumbed. I surrendered.

And at that moment,

My life was returned to me.

For when you lay down your arms and your shield, you can grab hold with both hands.

Of the people you love. Who love you.

You can hold onto hope.

And you can reach out your hands, and let those who love you, help you to your feet.

So that you may walk again.

And my tears became a smile.


  1. Your words are as strong and meaningful as your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You see in this blog, my life. My feelings, my thoughts. I know at times this is hard to look at. But I thank you no matter what. :)
