Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Once in a lifetime moments....

Today was the most incredible and most spectacular day I have ever had out with my cameras. In awe of the natural world, I stood witness to so many incredible sights.

All in the course of about 8 hours of my life.

I saw so much. I captured so much. I learned. So much.

I watched as a Peregrine Falcon sat on a Speed Checked by Radar sign...from 4 feet away. For 10 minutes. I have photos where you can see the details of the iris and pupil of his eyes.

I spent 4 hours...watching and photographing Osprey in a courtship ritual. But not just any courtship. A female being pursued by 2 males.

There were chases. There were fights. There was even a time where one male and the female grasped each others talons in mid air, then tumbled to the ground.

This went on so long during the day that my good friend who was with me, Joe Campbell, had to go take asprin because the adrenaline and stress of shooting the action for so long gave him a headache.

At one point, I could see the Osprey looking at me with my naked eye. Eyeball to eyeball, he flew 15 feet over my head.

This went on for hours. The 3 of them would cry out, the female would come land on the nest and cry to the males to come and get her. Then she would take off as they gave chase.

Over and over again, I fired the shutter on 2 cameras for a total of nearly 4000 shots. 4000 shots on a day where the sights and sounds alone drained me of all the excitement and energy I could muster.

I will never forget this day.

I was privileged to witness nature in all her glory, and have a front row seat to some amazing things.

While the rest of my world disintegrates...

Moments and days like today are gifts beyond measure.

Today my soul was lifted, and I soared. I smiled, I laughed, and I was in awe.


I love every day I get.


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