Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Friday, April 16, 2010

Time for some venting and ranting.

I don't do this a lot, but I'm good at it when I do.

Lets start with those people from my former career. The world of big business and IT.

Today, the industry is run by people without a clue, who talk in business-speak and don't know their fucking ass from a hole in the ground.

They spend days on powerpoint presentations with little or no value, and talk of "economies of scale" and "harvesting the low hanging fruit".

Truth is, the industry is run by fucking morons who couldn't skim the leaves off a pool if they had a net and and instruction manual.

They hire fucking idiots from India or Malaysia or kids just out of their garage or God knows where who come to the USA looking for a job. They can quote the Linux manuals, but have no practical experience running a datacenter. No maturity. No idea of what it means to put together an infrastructure and deal with your users and clients.

The world of IT is turned on it's head.

The inmates are running the asylum.

They get all excited over tweaking the kernel or in their "awesome" script writing ability, but they are lost in the details.

No wonder we are failing in every area.

They hire young, and cheap.

And frankly, stupid.

But that's okay, because the bottom line is a lot better when you can pay some fucking idiot 60 or 70 grand a year as opposed to a seasoned veteran (who really knows their shit) for 100 grand plus.

The focus is on youth. Young, stupid, cheap.

If one doesn't work out, hire another self important geek with no experience and see how that works.

Lets not forget that young folks are much more likely to stand in lock step with the company line. No independent thinkers here. Just a bunch of cattle ready for the slaughter.

Yeah, see you at the Six Sigma Training course...can't wait to get my "Black Belt".

Fucking idiots.

That is one reason I have left the world of HPC (High Performance Computing) and IT long behind.

It is run by clueless suits who only know how to fake being a real manager, and who hire fucking idiots who think they are God's gift, and can't fight their way out of a paper bag with both hands and a flashlight.

Saw this first hand. At Merck Research Labs, and even more egregious at the federal government, where I was hired by Raytheon to help out at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamic Laboratory in Princeton, NJ.

They spent most of their time trying to work on tape errors. The entire facility of supercomputers runs off of gigantic tape libraries. 30 year old technology. Your tax dollars at work.

The entrenched government people in their own IT departments are holdovers from the 60's who are there to get the great government pension.

It's the pinnacle of waste and lack of vision, and of thinking in terms that only a dinosaur would be comfortable with.

Raytheon was the contractor hired as "Systems Integrators" the depth of that role meant fixing tape problems, running cables, and installing disk racks. About as challenging to someone like me as stapling a stack of papers.

They took this to the absurd, mired in the process. It's all about being able to bill the customer. Not about doing real valuable work.

I did about 3 dozen disk installs as part of my job at Merck. Could do it in my sleep. It's trivial. Raytheon and the Federal Government needed 3 weeks of powerpoint work, daily meetings twice a day, and a plan that could choke a stable of horses just to justify their existence, for a stupid, easy fucking project that any half-assed datacenter manager could have figure out.

The world is run by fucking idiots.

The problem is, those idiots have the power, because they have the "in". It's their loyalty to the other fucking idiots who are in senior management that gives them their power.

China, Japan, and other 3rd world nations are going to clean our clock.

That's because the USA and Corporate America is now run by stupid, greedy people with no vested interest in success, only their own, and who have decided that outsourcing or hiring young, stupid fucking morons is the way to make it work.

They don't care about the product.

Only their own gains.

That's why I am now an author and a nature photographer.

Because what I do is real, and it matters. To me at least.

And I don't have to file the forms in triplicate with HR.

Fuck the corporate world.

I'm getting off for good.


  1. You are SOOOOOOO right, Eric.

    And we wonder why the Government is raping the taxpayers.

    And they want to run our healthcare. Yeah. Right. All the beltway bandits who have screwed up every project they ever touched are salivating over the prospect of sucking on the 1.x TRILLION dollars they idiots are going to shovel out the door.
