Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Friday, July 16, 2010

I want to see my eyes in the rear view mirror on fire again.

I am heading back to the cabin in a couple days. With hopes of being able to really start putting the book together.

But more feel alive.

When I am behind the wheel of the almost 300 horses in my little WRX speeding down Rte 17 in the mountains of NY State..

My God, I am alive.

And I am free.

Heading away from all the shit. All the pain and all the confinement of living in my dad's house. A place where I am loved, yet where I occupy a small room. The rest of what is left of my life sits in stacks of boxes in the house. As if waiting for either a giant yard sale, or a moving truck.

I've come to realize that I don't need much. Just my cameras and a few other things, and I'm okay.

But what I need is to be FREE.

To be free of a lifetime of alimony paid to a cheating, abusive ex spouse that could make Donald Trump wince. To be free of the mountain of shit that has been loaded on, and carried on my shoulders for too long.

The fading light is cold on the shoulders of the trees
Oh the starwind blows right through me, and I never felt so free
Oh there had to be a crossroad, a place to draw the line
And it came down to the question, is this life I'm livin' mine

I'm at that crossroads.

Now, it's my life.

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