Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Time for a little "humor" in my posts.

Okay, I spend 2 weeks at my family's cabin in the Catskills. Ahhh. Glorious. Cool. Beautiful.

It got down to 49 degrees one night. Brrrr....

I get back to New Jersey.

And since I have not been to the refuge for two weeks, I am dying to get back there.

So, the other morning I get up at 4 AM, and head down starting at 5AM. It's cool and comfy before the sun comes up. Windows down in the truck. (No working A/C). Loved it.

Got some nice shots, too.

By 8 AM, the temperature was over 90. By 10:30, nearing 100.

And the Greenhead Flies.

After a while, I stopped my truck (windows open the whole while so I could shoot photos) and Ran screaming like a little girl.

I could not TAKE it anymore. LOL

There were about 30 or 40 of the biting monsters in my truck with me.

The last straw was when one went into my ear canal as I tried to shoot a picture of a bird.

I threw it in Park and opened the door, took off the camera strap and grabbed the Deep Woods Off.

I swear, it's like salad dressing to these flies.

I was so covered in that shit that I smelled like an insect repellent factory.

And those bastards would find the one square inch of skin I missed with the spray.

By the time I left, one had found a spot on my leg. As I yelled OWWW!!! I watched the wound bleed from the ancient blood sucking monster that just impaled me.

I despise them.

They will make you nuts. In your eyes. On your lips. Your ears. And there are BILLIONS of them, in the marsh alone.

I can usually make a few trips around the refuge with them and deal with it.

This day, they were especially nasty. After bout 20 bites, and smelling like a toxic waste dump of noxious chemicals, I called it a day. By 10:30 in the morning.

Temperature - 98 degrees.

The bugs and the heat won that round.

And stupid as I am, I will be back to try again.

Now, if only I can electrify my truck so I can zap the bastards at will.

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