Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding

Forsters Tern Courtship Feeding
The male Forsters Tern offers a fish to his mate

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dreams I'll never see...

From the Molly Hatchet song. Love those guys. They know how to ROCK.

I sit here realize there are dreams I will never see.

I live in a world where fantasy and reality never meet.

Where former lovers and partners enjoy a life with someone else now. Happy and content. Enjoying life with someone. Someone who is not me.

So, what the fuck did I do to deserve being the cast-off?

What is it about me that makes me the also-ran?

What the fuck is it with my life where I have so much to offer someone, yet they either move on to someone "better", or they can't actually break free to be with me?

Is the idea of a loving, caring man, gentle and caring. Loving and devoted. Skilled at so many things better held as a fantasy than a reality?

And what is it that those who have had some form of a relationship with me....fear?

That I am too intense?

That I might be too dangerous to love?

That they cannot handle the intensity?

What I have surmised, after 52 years on this planet....

Is that I make a great person to be with, so long as you don't actually have to be with me.

Instead, go find the man with the great car. The nice house. The great job. Someone who will take you on great vacations.

Someone safe.

And what you lose?

Well, I will tell you.

You lose the best man you could have ever had.

A man who would show you love and affection and passion and tenderness the likes of which you have never known.

But of course, it is far easier to go for the sure thing.

Enjoy that boring life, with the man who is stable but uninspired. The man who has the nice house, the great family, the good job.

You all chose someone other than me.

So, live your life. You made your choices.

Now, sit back and watch what you could have had.

Something way beyond what you settled for.

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